Friday, May 4, 2012

Dental Grand Opening

Dear friends,

Last night, we had our Dental Grand Opening. What a great opportunity to share our new service with the community! We didn't have a lot of foot traffic - maybe 50 people total - but we had 5-6 dentists and several hygienists stop by. We're hoping that some of these professionals become volunteers. Praise God!

The Gazette did a great article about the event, and KCRG also ran a story about the new dental service on the evening news. Since then, our phones have been ringing non-stop with people wanting to get an appointment. We began Thursday morning with 120 people on our wait list - since then, we have added 50-60 more patients, all needing to see the dentist. Our waiting list is now 3-4 months.

The dental needs in our community are pretty dire.

Friends, it is hard to tell a person in pain that we won't be able to see them for 3-4 months, and yet - as I remind myself continually! - we cannot allow ourselves to become discouraged. Every person who gets an appointment gets the assistance they need - and hopefully they receive a small measure of God's loving presence and peace. Every patient who is put on our waiting list is given hope and assurance that one day they too will be given an appointment - and, hopefully, they too receive some comfort simply by sharing their situation with the staff or volunteer who takes their call.

Our God is bigger than the dental needs in our community. HE knows the need, and HE can meet it.

So, as I go home this Friday afternoon, after two long days of difficult and heart-wrenching stories, I have that hope: Our God is BIG enough.

Please keep this new clinic in your prayers. Pray especially for dentists, assistants, and hygienists.


Gazette article:

KCRG newscast:

OR just go to our facebook site!

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