Saturday, May 23, 2009
Community Walk
As I was walking, I saw an older woman sitting on her front porch, with tears streaming down her face, telling passer-bys "Thank you".
We pray for God's protection for this woman, these neighborhoods, and those who live and work in them.
Check out the following news sites for pictures and information:
The Gazette
Fox 28/CBS 2
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
2 Prayer Walks this Week
1) Community Walk through Eastside Neighborhoods Thursday, May 21, starting at St. Paul's United Methodist Church (2nd Ave & 13th St SE)
BBQ from 5:30-6:30 pm
Walk starts at 6:30 pm
2) Prayer Walk around Kingston Stadium for Healing the Heartland on Friday, May 22 at 3pm. Meet in the Ice Arena Parking Lot.
Healing the Heartland is a festival sponsored by Serve the City (which His Hands is an affiliate) June 12-14 to commemorate and celebrate the survival and healing from the 2008 Flood. We will be helping on the Saturday event by providing a mobile medical clinic.
Each affiliate has signed up to pray prior to the festival and our day to pray is Friday. If you are unable to join us you are welcome to pray on your own for all of the planning details to come together as well as opportunities for people to come to know Jesus in a real way.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Prayer Update on National Day of Prayer
1) Praise God for a wonderful evening at our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner on Friday evening, May 1. We had a great meal, a great speaker, and a great prayer time for volunteers heading to Africa on a medical mission in June. Praise God for providing such great volunteers!
2) Praise God for providing a couple to do prayer support for our Friday morning chiropractor clinics. For the last 2 years, we had a volunteer who has been providing prayer support during one of those clinics but due to her husband's job relocation, she is moving away. A week after she notified me, David & Dixie Estrem, sent in their volunteer applications and indicated there were available and willing to pray! Praise God for his provision at just the right time.
3) Please pray for more physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. We have been turning away more patients recently because we don't have enough appointment slots. To be fully staffed with 2 providers at each of our clinics we need 5 more volunteers. God, provide us with what we need!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Thank You to Our Volunteers
This is a letter I wrote for the program of our Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, thanking our volunteers for their GREAT work.
Dear Volunteers-
To each one of you, thank you for your incredible service. This ministry literally wouldn’t exist without the offering of your skills and gifts.
Thank you for coming to serve when you are busy, when you are tired and want to go home after a long day, when you would rather be out enjoying the nice weather, or when you feel like you have nothing to give. Often. that is when God uses us the most.
Last fall, when we surveyed our patients, 100% of them said they felt like they were treated with respect & dignity while at His Hands. This is proof that the work you are doing is excellent and that you are serving the patients in more ways than you know.
I’m proud to serve in a place where it is evident that the Church is coming together to meet a real need in our community. May you not grow weary but continue to trust in God for strength, energy, and encouragement so that you can continue to display His Love to those who do not yet know Him.
Andi Doane
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.” Romans 12:1
Volunteer Appreciation 2009
If you missed it, here is a synopsis!
Volunteers coming in and mingling before the dinner starts.
Our speaker, Valerie Dorsey, a nurse missionary with Children's Relief International to Mozambique, spoke about how God's plan is not always our plan but that he can use all of our experiences for his glory. She had a lot of great "nuggets" to share with audience.
These pictures are of the dolls Valerie brought and lined up along the steps of the stage. These yarn dolls were made by a local craft person and volunteers got a chance to "purchase" a doll for $5, name it, and pledge to pray for the child that is going to get the doll in Mozambique.
We also had a prayer time for Pam Skelton, a His Hands volunteer, who is going with a team from Hillside Wesleyan Church on a medical mission to South Africa and Zambia in June. We can't all go to Africa, but we can pray for those who are going there to care for people and share Jesus' love.
Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
And with thanksgiving
I’ll be a living sanctuary for you